Per Section 217 of Bylaws and Manual of Procedure, Post Officers are elected by their fellow Comrades.
Nominations for Officers take place each March at the Monthly Meeting (first Saturday of the Month @ 10AM). Nominations stay open until they are closed the following month. Election of nominated officers takes place at the April meeting.
Officers are installed before the Department Convention (June) and typically take their position 1 July.
Elected Officers are: Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Quartermaster, Chaplain, and Trustees. The remaining officers are appointed by the Commander.
Would you like to make a difference at our Post and serve as an Officer? Talk to the Commander or staff about their duties to see if it's something that you would like to do!  


Frank Clark

Commander - Marines - Post 7264

Earl Childs

Sr. Vice Commander - Marines - Post 7264

John Pellior

Quartermaster and Past Commander - Navy - Post 7264

Ed Shimko

3d year Trustee - Navy - Post 7264

Gary Link

2d year Trustee - Marines - Post 7264

Mike Harris

3d yr Trustee - Marines - Post 7264

Mark Grden

Chaplain - Marines - Post 7264


Anne Lear

Resource Officer - Navy - Post 7264